Yippe Ki-Ay! Do Cinema.

Hey there. If you're reading this you've managed to scavenge rather deep into the think piece corners of the internet. Congrats. But here at Karmic Release we've always tried to bring you the stories no one else would tell, from voices you couldn't find elsewhere, and this is no different.
This series hopes to highlight works for everyone, from the most die hard lovers of pop culture to the newest wave of art house visionaries. On new releases and forgotten classics we're going to do our best to give you the points of view less likely to be bouncing around your social media feed. And we're always going to try to make them fun.
If you're a cinephile on the go, no worries, every post will be paired with it's audio-article counterpart so you can hang with us with you no matter. For now though, we'll let you get to exploring, and simply leave you with this little bit of advice. "Yippe Ki-Ay! Do Cinema."